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Live Music Isn't Dead

FlatLine Studios

Live music has been hit very hard the past couple years. Between the dwindling funds of the fans to see shows, and the musicians lack of funds to attempt tours. Then there is the unknown variables with government in this new age of restrictions.

Live music had to alter it's ability to reach the fans. Knowing that there may not be any money in live music for the 'up and coming' bands. Fear Not, we have a solution.

Our solution was simple, keep doing shows. But everyone has to donate their time and space, because there isn't the headcount in house to support a concert. But maybe we could grow a headcount online via streaming. That is what we did.

Now we are broadcasting to multiple sites, including YouTube, Twitch, Trovo, and a few others. Soon to launch a custom stream connection on our home for FlatLineStudios

We have been doing one show a month, last Wednesday. Featuring a different artist each month. Each with their own style of music. Each with their own challenges. We were booked out a year, in less than 2 days posting it's opening.

We have learned a lot as well, like running a whole production, LIVE with 1 or 2 people. Finding workers is hard. Finding ones who want to do it for the love of music, rather than money; is even harder. We manage it as a minimal operator setup. One camera operator, and one switcher. Just about every live streamer knows there is always 'issues' when broadcasting. When you have to uproot and transport the studio to make the show happen; issues become just part of the setup process. We also manage the setup and sound check in a little over 2 hours. DJ's require more time than that, and they just do music and lights. We are doing it ALL [our light show was recently nixed from the list by the brewery.] We will strive on, learning from these new hurdles; overcoming them as we march forward. LIVE MUSIC is ALIVE MUSIC [PHOTO CREDIT] 2021 Brewery Sessions



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